UK Academy of Education

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DSCN1938Academic degree, academic status – Professor, the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
Education (basic, special) years of the termination, received a specialty/rank.
1. Kemerovo State institute of culture, culturologist;
2. Siberian psychosocial institute, psychologist.
Area of scientific interests: the expert in the field of psychology of deviant behavior and the conflicts in teenage young people, juvenile psychology, a deviantology, criminal psychology, legal psychology, psychology of social work, creativity psychology.
Experience and teaching (place and position):
1. Kemerovo State institute of culture (teacher, senior teacher, associate professor);
2. Kemerovo State University (associate professor, Professor);
3. Tver State University (head of the department of psychology, Professor);
4. The Moscow State Social University (the branch director in Tver in the rank of the vice rector, Professor);
5. Ulyanovsk State University (head of the department of social and political psychology, Professor);
6. University of the Russian Academy of Education (dean of faculty of psychology, Professor);
7. Moscow State Regional University (Professor of faculty of psychology);
8. International Academy of Education (Institute) (director of the Center of practical psychology, Professor);
9. UK Academy of Education (Professor, head of the department of a juvenile deviantology, juvenile right and juvenile justice).
The basic given courses and disciplines:
1. Psychology of deviant behavior;
2. Deviantology;
3. Penitentiary psychology;
4. Psychology of social risk and safety of youth;
5. Criminal psychology;
6. Legal conflictology (Conflict of psychology);
7. Juvenile psychology of deviant behavior;
8. Legal psychology.
9. Psychology of social work;
10. Judicial and psychological examination;
11. Imidzhpsykhology (Image psychology);
12. Psychology of social and legal activity;
13. Social psychology;
14. Political psychology;
15. Development psychology;
16. Creativity psychology.
Main publications. Total of publications – more than 450. From them – 35 monographs, 48 - textbooks, manuals, anthologies.
Existence of school of sciences
The founder and the head of the known school of sciences «Psychology of deviant behavior» within which it is personally prepared candidates of science – 45, doctors of science – 12, masters – 32.
Experience of researches (scientific work, subjects of researches – finished/carried out)
1. Social psychology of deviant behavior (carried out termless longitude);
2. Deviant socialization of modern Russian youth (the conducted research);
3. Social and psychological factors of deviant behavior homeless teenagers (complete);
4. Creativity of the educational environment and prevention of deviant behavior of school students (complete);
5. Organization of work with youth (complete);
6. Potential the yuvenological of researches in modernization of the Russian and Kazakhstan society (the conducted research).
7. A brutal enculturation and socialization of the personality in modern teenage and youth subcultures (RGNF grant, is planned).
8. Social and psychological immunity of the Russian youth: gender aspect (2015-2017).
Professional development (advanced training courses, additional education):
1. Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Laboratory of social psychology according to the «Social Psychology» program (April, 2006. – 72 hours; Certificate).
2. NNOU «British Academy of Education» (UK Academy of Education) according to the Legal Psychology program (April-July, 2013. – 100 hours; Certificate).
3. The Moscow state regional university according to the program «Psychology of management. Formation of a personnel reserve of public organizations» (November, 2013. - 72 hours; Certificate).
4. Institute of practical psychology «IMATON» (ST. Petersburg, May-June, 2015 - 36 hours; Certificate).
Membership in the scientific organizations, communities:
1. The member of the Committee on a deviantological of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
2. Member of the Russian psychological society;
3. Academician of the Russian academy of natural sciences, International academy of psychological sciences, International pedagogical academy, Russian academy of social education, Academy of safety, defense, law and order, International academy of problems of a human factor, International academy of social work, International Academy of Education, International academy of youth studies, New York Academy of Sciences and UK Academy of Education (Great Britain), Professor of the Warsaw humanities university.
5. President of the International academy of youth studies and International academy of social work.
6. The member of editorial Councils of magazines from the VAK list – 4. In total – 8.
7. The chairman of dissertation councils at UK Academy of Education (Great Britain) on psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological and philosophical sciences.
8. The member of dissertation council at the Moscow state regional university in «Social psychology» and «Work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics».
9. Member of Advisory Council of the National professional competition «Gold Psikheya».
10. The member of Advisory council of UMO of higher education institutions of Russia in the «Pedagogics and Psychology of Deviant Behavior» direction.
11. Editor-in-chief of Deviantology Questions and Bulletin of Social Work magazines.
12. International Expert.
Interests, hobbies:
1. Member of the Union of writers of Russia (author of five books of verses and prose).
2. Music: performance of popular songs (I have let out an album «Melodies of My Soul ...»).
3. Collecting.
4. Academic tourism.
1. Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.
2. The winner of the VII National professional competition «Gold Psikheya» in the nomination «The Personality of Year in Psychological Science» (2005).
3. The winner of the X National professional competition «Gold Psikheya» in the nomination «The Project of Year in Psychological Education» (2008).
4. Winner of the All-Russian competition «The Best Psychologist of Russia» (2015).
5. V.N. Tatishchev's award «For advantage to the Fatherland».
6. A gold Star of Vernadsky «For outstanding merits in science» the I degrees.
7. Award «For Merits in Psychology».
8. A gold medal of Fund of Domestic science «For innovative work in the field of the higher education».
9. Award «For Service to Science» of the I degree.
10. Honored worker of science and education.
11. Honored worker of culture of Russia.
Personal qualities:
Law-abiding, active, benevolent, friendly, valid, disciplined, self-critical, obligatory, hardworking, exacting to itself and others, it is open for communication and positive criticism, with good sense of humor. Creative. Self-sufficient. Goat.